Pet Pulse Emergency Veterinary Clinic is dedicated to providing the best care for your pets. We have a team of well-versed veterinarians and other staff who are committed to ensuring the health and well-being of your pets. From regular consultations to emergency care, we are ready to serve you and your beloved pets throughout your loving journey. Visit us today to feel the difference our compassionate care can bring.

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Pet Vaccinations: Protecting

Vets around the world testify that vaccinations are crucial in keeping pets’ health protected. At Pet Pulse, we consider their health and well-being the most important of all. Our comprehensive pets vaccination services in Dubai safeguard your pets from several transmissible and even life-threatening ailments. Our experienced and expert vets will guide you for timely vaccinations according to each pet’s specific needs

Core Vaccinations


Some vaccines are necessary for all pets because they prevent the most common and severe pet diseases. These vaccines are categorised as core vaccinations, which have to be given to all pets regardless of their lifestyle or environment.

Core vaccinations for dogs are:

  • Rabies: Caused by a deadly virus that affect the central nervous system, and can be transmitted to humans. This mandatory vaccine’s frequency varies for cats and dogs.
  • Canine Distemper: A transmittable and severe illness caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems.
  • Parvovirus: This causes serious gastrointestinal illness and is caused by a highly contagious virus.
  • Adenovirus: Causes infectious hepatitis, which affects the liver.

We understand how concerning these diseases can be and our pets vaccinations in Dubai covers the above vaccines for your dog. Similarly, our core vaccinations for cats include:

  • Rabies: Prevents cats from catching the deadly rabies virus.
  • Distemper or Feline Panleukopenia: Another extremely contagious viral ailment.
  • Feline Calicivirus: A virus that can induce respiratory infections.
  • Feline Herpesvirus: Another major cause of respiratory infections in cats.

Non-Core Vaccinations


Some pets posses more risk of getting infected by several diseases and non-core vaccinations help protect your pet from these. Pet Pulse’s pets vaccination services in Dubai include non-core vaccinations for dogs such as:

  • Kennel Cough or Bordetella: This is recommended for dogs that are actively engaging with other dogs.
  • Leptospirosis: Recommended for dogs exposed to standing water or wildlife.
  • Lyme Disease: Suggested for dogs in tick-prone areas.

Our pets vaccinations in Dubai include non-core vaccinations for cats, such as:

  • Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV): Recommended for cats that go outdoors or live in multi-cat households.


At Pet Pulse Clinic, we deliver efficient vaccinations to protect your companion’s well-being. Our dedicated team can guide you through the vaccination process, ensuring your pets remain healthy and protected.


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